Dryland Clinic

What a great clinic! Special thanks to Deniz Hekmati for leading us through swimming-specific stretches & strength training exercises! 

We learned about static and dynamic stretching, principles of strength training and we even had the opportunity to transition right onto the blocks and work on swimming starts!  

If you are interested in learning more or setting up a training session with Denz  contact him at: Deniz(at)swimmerstrength(dot)com, 480-359-9579. 

Here is a link to his website as well!

Tour of Utah Lakes!

Join your fellow Krabs for a once-in-a-summer experience! Our *unofficial* Tour of Utah Lakes will be Saturday, August 26th! Come swim ONE MILE in SIX LAKES in ONE DAY and then cap it all off at the Rec Center for our Family Summer Party!

All the swimming you could ask for and more!

*Unofficial means there will be no liability insurance and this is not sponsored in any way by the Rec. This is at-your-own-risk swimming with your fellow friends from Masters. 

Team Summer Events!

This Summer is full of things to do for

South Davis Masters!


Saturday, June 24th, 8am till done.

Service project at Scott Wheeler’s Home. Come help put in new grass and a deck for them to enjoy!


Fourth of July Swim on July 3 @ 6 am.

Team Summer Beach Party

Thursday July 20th @ 5pm at Pineview. Details TBA.


Annual Team Family Party

Saturday August 26th 6-9pm.

Family Summer Party always a hit!