Learn Cool Stuff, Get Advice from the Experts!

Everyone has struggled with swimming at some point. It’s not easy, so don’t be discouraged. The good news is you can do it! A step at a time with patience and the right instruction will get you there. This information is separated between those trying to begin swimming and those who are swimmers wanting to perfect the craft. Enjoy these videos! 

For Beginners...

If you are someone that fears the water, either because of the unknown or a traumatizing experience, there is hope! You CAN learn how to swim. These videos will help you understand the steps to conquering your fear and beginning a great love for the water.

For Intermediate to Advanced...

Are you feeling frustrated with your swimming, like you just can’t swim fast and efficient like the other swimmers? Chances are your technique is off. Here are some videos of the worlds best swimmers that can help you master the strokes you want to improve.  

First Step to Start Swimming... Relax!

Second Step to Start Swimming... Float!

Third Step to Start Swimming... Breath!

Perfect Your Freestyle

Flawless Butterfly with Michael Phelps

Perfect Backstroke Technique

Master the Breaststroke