It’s that time again! We are gearing up for the best-attended adult swim meet in Utah! It’s time for the South Davis Masters Swim Meet!
WHEN: Saturday, November 10th
General Session Warm-ups: 8am, Meet Starts at 9am
(If you are swimming the mile or 400IM- Warm up 6:30, Session Starts 7am.)
The meet is a packed-full of great swims and is over by lunchtime!
COST: $25 (Includes Shirt with entry!)
If you are not a member of USMS, then you will need to pay a One Time Event Fee of $15 (covers liability insurance).
ALSO- if you are signing up with a One Time Event Fee- you CANNOT swim in relays since you will be considered an “unattached” swimmer.
If you swim with a club and would like your swims to count for records, Top Ten USMS, or swim in relays- please consider registering for USMS.