Our Training Venues

South Davis Recreation Center
Competition Pool Hours
Sunday: 11am – 1pm, 2pm – 4pm
M – F: 5am – 2pm, 7pm – 9pm
Saturday: 6am – 7pm
Email: info@southdavisrecreation.com
Phone: (801) 298-6220

Shanghai Creek Swim Course @ Pineview Reservoir
The team uses this location for open water swim training in the warm months of the year (May to September). The team typically swims here in a small group on Saturday mornings. Get on the email list to receive information. Here are some details to help you make use of this venue…
- Located just east of the water barrier in front of the Pineview Reservoir Dam
- Swimming around the 6 markers you see in the image to the left is the course.
- Total distance for 1 lap is 1/2 mile.
- Parking beside the road on the north side of the course. Crude trail takes you down to the water’s edge.
- Open to the entire public