Wednesday, January 1, 2020
South Davis Recreation Center, 550 N 200 W Bountiful
Start time 8am SHARP! Come a little early so you can find the right lane to swim in! THIS WILL TAKE 3+ hours! Please plan accordingly!
Any swimmer! All Utah Masters swimmers are invited but if you don’t identify as a “Masters Swimmer” you are still welcome to participate, the only requirement is that you feel comfortable with the distance and time commitment. If you are not a South Davis Recreation member or a South Davis Masters swimmer, you will need to pay a $6 drop in fee at the front desk.
We will have some lanes designated 100 x 75s and 100 x 50s for those who cannot complete the 100 x100s. Due to time constraints, we will not be able to accomodate all swimming speeds. If you are unable to swim the 100 x 100 pace, you can still participate by doing 100 x 50s or 75s. Lane switching will be difficult to accommodate so try to pick a distance you can maintain for 3 hours. We should all finish at the same time.
The 100 x 100s will be completed as a workout-form. We will have sets that we complete together and we will have built-in breaks. This is not a race or a competition, this is an annual bucket-list event where we all feel pretty good about ourselves after. If you feel like you cannot complete 100 x100s, consider still joining in but doing 100 x 50s or 100 x 75s.
Well, no but we do have really cool patches that are only availible to those who participate. We are asking a $10 donation to go towards Utah Masters so we can provide other awesome opportunities to swimmers. All donations can be sent via PayPal:
Feel free to donate any time before, during or immediately after the event.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 6am – 7am
Saturday……………………….: 6am – 7:30am
Tuesday, Thursday…………..: 8pm – 9pm
SDRC Members: $40 per Month
Non-Members..: $50 per Month